
The Pressures of a Reader
Discussion post 4-20-16

I have recently been thinking a lot about why I read, and write this blog. In doing this I have found that there are so many reasons that I read and blog, although there are also a few pressures that I feel as well.

One of the major issues that I face as a blogger and reader, is the pressure that I need to always be reading and thinking of new posts. Do not get me wrong I love reading and writing posts, however I also feel at times that I am pressured to read all the time so that I am able to bring you all reviews. I enjoy reading and wish that I could be doing it all day every day, however I am a university student at this point in my life and sometimes find it hard to get the motivation to read after I complete all the homework I have assigned for an evening, this is not an excuse. I know many may say that I am making excuses. I am not trying to because I really just want to pick up books and read them from cover to cover, but with work and school it gets tricky sometimes. These conflicts are only temporary though, because summer is only a week away! 

The expectation that you will be an expert in the genres you read, is another pressure that I feel. I am just starting to feel like I can tell you what I enjoy in a book, I still have a lot more exploring to do in different genres before I can tell you what I love in them also. Science fiction is a genre that I would love to get further immersed in, however the amount that I am able to read limits how many books I get through making this process take even longer. I will be branching out my genres that I read this summer to find what I like outside the fantasy genre, I am doing this because I feel that I have a very limited view of the bookish world at this time. If you have any favorite books at all that you would like to see my opinions on, leave them in the comments and I will try to work them into my reading pile for the summer. 

I love reading because of the people I meet along the way, and the ideas that we get to discuss based on the themes and events in novels. Reading is my escape, my fun, my relaxation and with spring being here all I could hope for is the chance to take a pack with food and a good book outside and read for hours. In books I am able to be someone who is experiencing issues and topics that I will never get to see, hence why I love the fantasy genre! These experiences allow me to understand the complex issues that are in our world, even though some I wish we would not have to try to understand like war and violence.

While this blog and reading is stressful at times to keep up with, I would not trade it for anything in the world. I am always going to have reviews up for anyone who will read them! This summer is going to be full of reading and reviewing so you all should stay tuned for the next months and see where the blog rockets off into! 

  • Do you guys ever feel pressured to read?
    • How do you deal with the pressure, do you cave and read or go outside? 
  • If you had to give a person who has just finished Firefly for the first time advice on what to read that is similar what would it be? 
  • What is your favorite thing about reading, and the community it has built?
Answer these questions in the comments, let's get a conversation started! 

p.s I am going to be posting for the rest of this week and then for next week during final exam week, I will still be posting but the posts may go up later in the day. 

Happy Reading!


  1. Wait, question, Is there a book called Firefly, or did you watch the Joss Weadon show?

  2. No Emily, I just completed the show and now I am in a reading and tv slump. It was fantastic but I would like to see a lot more from that world.


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