Friday Reads

Friday Reads!
Hey everyone, I am putting up this post to update you all about how my TBR for the month has changed.

This weekend I intend to read as much as possible to stay on track with reading goals for the year and to keep you guys up to date with fun and new recommendations!
  1. Shadows Of Self 
    1. By: Brandon Sanderson 
    2. These books are so addicting it isn't funny! Wax and Wayne are an amazing cast of characters and EVERYONE SHOULD READ MISTBORN AND THEN THESE :) I am hoping to finish this one out today, as classes end early.
  2. Bands of Mourning
    1. By: Brandon Sanderson
    2. I am not gonna lie I know when I finish this book I am going to want to start the third book so it is going on the list!
  3. Traitor Baru Cormorant 
    1. By: Seth Dickinson 
    2. This is a buddy read with a bunch of my friends and they have already started. I am going to bite off a lot and say that I am going to try to read over half of it this weekend! I will update my twitter with my progress @mybookishempire
These reads are all exciting but an even more exciting thing is the fact that I will be doing a live chat for Friday reads with my good friend Paul from A Common Touch of Fantasy on youtube, be sure to join us at 8PM EST on his channel!


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