The Elfstones of Shannara By: Terry Brooks

The Elfstones of Shannara 

By:Terry Brooks


Take this review with a grain of salt, keep in mind that I am fairly new to the fantasy genre and the classical genre for sure, so my point of view is skewed. However I really enjoyed this novel on the whole.

"Ancient Evil threatens the Elves: The ancient tree created by long-lost Elven magic, is dying. When Wil Ohmsford is summoned to guard the Amberle on a perilous quest to gather a new seed for a new tree, he is faced with the Reaper, the most fearsome of all Demons. And Wil is without power to control them...."(Goodreads)

  • These characters are flat at the beginning of the story with some interesting plot points. 
  • The characters have a tendency to grow on you as the story progresses. 
  • Not the best characters ever created, however along with the epic tale that Terry told and their mediocre character development it made for a fun time!
  • Overall the characters were cool to read about even if their personality didn't grow on me as much as some others do.
  • This is the MAJOR fault I have in this novel is just Brooks' writing with a very heavy handed dose of repetition. 
    • For example Brooks told the reader of the Elcrys first dying and then proceeded to repeat the same exact story to each character who came into the plot line. 
General Thoughts:
  1. This is not known to be one f the best books, it is almost methodical in its style and plot movements.
  2. It is a fun ride to go on watching Wil and Amberle grow as people and take on the Demons of old.
  3. I found this story to be incredible in scope, it was a self contained storyline in one 500 page book which rarely happens. 
  4. The book was fun and cool, however the television show is not something that I would recommend as it does not stick to the book as well as I would prefer.
Rating: 3.75 stars 

I found this book to be so enjoyable because this was the first classical fantasy novel that I have read. In liking this one so much I cannot wait to begin the Lord of The Rings By: JRR Tolkien.


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