Self Published Saturday 3/25/17
Self Published Saturday
March 25th 2017
Hello everyone,
This wonderful historical fiction novel is one of the very few books that I own and have actually risked my time with reading. I must say that this is not fair to all of the wonderful authors out there who need to be given a chance, which is why I am asking you all here. I would love to carry this segment on in which I feature a new book weekly and read it and review it for you all to know the quality before investing in it; however to do that I need self published book recommendations. Though yes the book must be self published and easily available, there are a few qualities I would like each to have.
- Self Published
- Well written
- This does not mean it must be overtly floral writing with large eloquent words, though grammatically it must be sound.
- Preferably Science Fiction or Fantasy
- Any page length
These suggestions I will take into consideration when compiling books to read or highlight on this segment in the future. There are a few ways that you can submit recommendations to me:
- Tweet me @Komondor70
- Comment on this post with the title and author
- Email me, at
I will take suggestions whenever they arrive, but please do participate and help the self published world grow.
Happy Reading!
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