ReReading: The Joy & Controversy

The Joys & Controversy

Hello everyone!

Today I am blogging in a very warm room in my university while I wait to eat dinner. Today it has been raining all day, however that is a good thing for the shear fact that it is warm enough to rain (64 Fahrenheit)! Regardless of the weather or the temperature of the room that I am sitting in you all are here to see what I have to say about books, so today's topic will be rereading. 

My Actual shelves: So many books, so little time
Rereading for me has always been a very difficult thing, difficult you might ask? Yes, difficult. I am a slow reader to begin with as you all will know well by now. This means that the time I am spending with familiar characters that I know I love and will root for I am not reading new and exciting material to share with you all. This issue of time always stops me from rereading books I love since I do not want to just continuously re-review books for you either, however my reviewing style has changed greatly since I began. I know that the reading that I do should not just be for the blog though I like to have new and exciting things to chat about with you all the time which in my eyes suggests continuous reading of newly released materials. 

Rereads are something that I am realizing are a luxury in the bookish world. With rereading a book you the reader already are familiar with the often complex worlds and the characters that inhabit them. Knowing the characters and world will allow the reader to comprehend and explore the lush world that the author has spent so long creating. This can prove beneficial when preparing to read the newly published sequel or finale of a series. I am utilizing this technique at the moment while I reread A Darker Shade of Magic by: V.E Schwab, I intend to marathon the rest of the series after completing this reread so that the details do not fade from my memory. This luxury of even rereading one book is something that I do not indulge in often enough, for the afor mentioned reasons, though I have been wanting to reread some series recently for their entertainment value. 

This summer when I have time to myself to think and reflect I would like to spend more time rereading and indulging in the slower books regardless of the time they require because I am sure they will be phenomenal when I take the time to read them! The first rereads that I am going to do will be for the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, this remains constantly at the forefront of my brain and I would love to re-experience the world and lovely characters. Vin and Elend are my favorite fictional couple. I would like to take the time and dedicate it to enjoying things that I know I love, instead of risking it on mediocre books. How do you all feel about rereading and taking time away from reading new and exciting books to review? 

Please chat in the comments, I would love to know how you build time for rereading and or why you select certain books to reread.

Happy Reading!


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