Weekly Goals!
Weekly Goals!
I know you all will have seen my goals for my miniature vacation that I was on for the past few days, however I was unable to attain the goals that I set out to achieve during that time. I have many reasons for not completing my goals for the weekend; mainly I was not in the mood to read when my girlfriend was up staying with me. I am however going to me attempting to complete those goals in the rest of this week instead. I am currently working on:
- The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie
- by: Alan Bradley
- I am on page, 46 and I would like to be at page 100 or 150 by the end of the week. This should be doable if I set aside time to read, as this book has an engaging plot and lovely cast of characters.
- Shelter
- by: Jung Yun
- I have not started to read this book yet, however my goal is 100 pages for the week still. This book is written in large font and I think that I should be able to get this done with the time I have allotted.
- Americanah
- by: Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche
- I am on page 8 out of my 100 page goal for the week. This is high on the priority list for the reads that will be happening this week as it is a review book for Social Book Co. I have been enjoying the rich and luxurious writing style that Adiche has in this novel, however it takes me a long time to immerse myself in.
- Jerusalem
- by: Alan Moore
- I am currently on page 650 out of the 1279 that it is. I am hoping to read 300 pages this week in this book since it is very late on a review for the ever so kind folks at Liveright Publishing who sent it to me for a review in a publication. I am thinking that once I begin reading this again I will be immersed in the world as I have been prior to now.
Happy Reading!
I am off to go read and get as much done tonight before I fall asleep :)
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