Thanksgiving Break TBR

Thanksgiving TBR: 

This week is Thanksgiving in the United States of America, and for many students that means we have a few days of "rest" and relaxation. I am hoping to get some reading done on my break this year. This break time is going to be very full of family time and school work I need to catch up on, however I am hoping to be reading some books and completing a few books in the time I am home. 

Thanksgiving incase you do not know or are not from the US this is a holiday marking a feast that was had with the Native Americans by the pilgrims which we celebrate each year recognizing what we are thankful for. There are a few things that I am thankful for this year, you all will get to see that on Wednesday in a post I make for what I am thankful for in the book world.  I really love all the festive reading that will happen around the christmas season, and I will have my holiday TBR up on Wednesday of next week. But before we can jump into winter holidays we must get through the Thanksgiving holiday; so here are the books I hope to read some from even if it is not much of each:

  • Man Up 
    • by: Jack Urwin 
    • I have been making progress through this book, and I must say that as I read more of this non-fiction about masculinity and how it can be dangerous to society. I really think that though many people will shy away from this thinking it is anti-feminist I really would like everyone to join in and support this wonderful writer and purchase themselves this book as a gift. I wholeheartedly love all that Urwin is saying; being a not particularly "masculine" man I can say I needed to hear some of the heartfelt messages that he weaves into this masterpiece.
    • Pages Left: 145
  • Used & Rare 
    • by: Lawrence and Nancy Goldstone
    • This is yet another one of my non-fiction November TBR pick that I have not finished sadly because of life. I am going to complete this one for sure as it is so short and engaging. One may think that a non-fiction book about book collecting will be riveting, through I must confess that is quite an engaging read that makes the topic very palatable and enjoyable. 
    • Pages left: 99
  • Jerusalem
    • by: Alan Moore
    • I know, you are all going to be confused that I am still reading this tome! I am trying to finish this book, it is seriously long. although to speak the truth to you all I have not picked it up this month and I MUST complete it before the end of the year. I am really loving the characters and their whimsy and purely fun adventures that they go on! Though I will not have read it in one consecutive go I can say that it is certainly atleast a four star read. I am enjoying every word Moore has written, though I need to take the time to read and enjoy the book. 
I will be bringing some books home from University to make space on my shelves at school as I have amassed quite a few books since coming up to school this year. I will be doing a haul at some time in the future to let you know what I have recently added to my collection. 

Until next time readers, do not forget what you are thankful for... 

Thank you, Happy Reading!

Check back in on Wednesday to see what I am Thankful for in the book community...


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