Bookish Thanks

Bookish Thanks: 

Here in the US it is Thanksgiving tomorrow and like many people around the world, this year has taken its toll on me. I am not able to even comprehend all of the issues and changes that we have gone through this yea; though I can comprehend and express what I am thankkful for in this world. The bookish community in particular has given me the hope and safety net that I needed in order to get through this whirlwind of a year, here are some things that I am thankful for: 

  • My readers! 
    • Without you wonderful people across the world my ramblings about books would just be a noise into the void that it the internet. You, yes you! Everyone of you who click into read this blog has changed my life in a wildly positive way, you all give me a purpose and outlet for my creative thoughts on literature. 
    • Thank You, for just being you!
  • Publishers
    • This may seem obvious that I would be thankful for those people who make the physical objects that I love so much, though truly every publisher has helped make this world a better place this year! Regardless of the views your company prints, you are giving voices to everyone who wants a platform to speak. Some of my favorites this year are Liveright, Torr, and Thomas Dunn Books, and many more. Each one of these publishers has released a book that has changed me for the better this year.
  • Booksellers 
    • The people at my local bookstores, both here and at University have done such an incredible job at making my reading experience enjoyable and giving me a nice place to go and escape for the day. The booksellers have the personalities and comforting space that I have found solace in this year, to these people I say Thank You!
    • Some booksellers I want to shout out are: 
      • Bear Pond Books, Montpelier Vermont 
      • BirchBark Bookshop: Potsdam Ner York
        • Tim will help you find anything you need within the stacks of used books that he stocks, truly an atmospheric experience that is worth the drive! 
        • BirchBark Bookshop Link
  • Authors everywhere
    • You all write the stories that allow us as readers to escape and gain the knowledge that this world has to offer. I know this is generic, but two authors in particular who I need to thank is Jack Urwin, man you can write a compelling non-fiction book that illustrates some key workings of my father and brother's dynamic. I also must thank the amazing Thomas Olde Heuvelt for writing a book that scared the crap out of me and also gave me so many conflicting emotions that I was drained, you guys rock!
I know this may seem quite generic, but truly there are so many people to thank that I could not fit them all into a post, chances are if you are reading this, I am thankful for all that you do and your support of this blog! I hope you all are able to cuddle up with friends and family today and just enjoy company and lasting memories.

Happy reading!

Check in Friday to see my very exciting day that I had on Tuesday, it is political, it is bookish, it is Bernie filled!


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