Reading In College...

Well as you all may have noticed, reading in college has been very difficult for me. i have made friends and have a packed schedule, so lets just say reading has not happened much.

What I thought Reading would be like in college:

  1. Reading in every open time slot when I did not have class.
  2. Buying fewer books 
  3. Having little to no social life= more reading 

What has actually happened:
  1. Have worked on homework for much of the available time I have.
    1. So many cool books have come out and I have been able to access them with the bookstore so close to campus
    2. Bookstore (BirchBark Bookshop) Is me weakness
  3. Making friends who read on occasion, not all the time as I had at home where they would read with me, here I will miss out if I don't go with them.
I want to make this clear that this post is not intended to be my goodbye to my blog, I'll still aim to post two posts a week, however the amount of reviews will be lower while at school.  Keep your eye on the blog for some awesome giveaway opportunities coming up in early October, I have been working with Hodderscape Publishing to bring you guys this amazing giveaway! 

Currently blogging fro the deck of my roommates beach house.... Ahh college life :) 


  1. I tagged you in the Unpopular Opinions Book Tag! I had tons of fun doing and I am looking forward to your answers!


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