Destruction Review By: Eirc Mrozek

Plot: "The novel is told from the point of view of Helisah Almari, a young female elf whose world is shattered when the Telurian Lord Thrakoth launches a surprise attack on her homeland that plunges the world of Maereath into war. After she and her twin brother are rescued by a team of assassins, they are trained and set loose on a campaign to avenge their homeland and defeat the rampaging Telurian hordes by any means necessary." (Goodreads)


Helisah: Main protagonist who was followed through her increasingly dangerous role of the rebellion.

Aegras: Helisah's telepathic brother.

Fasti: Helisah's lover.
All in all I felt that the characters were not developed enough for my liking, they seemed flat and I really tried to like their characters but they just did not connect with me. The descriptions of them being a diary style book I did not see the characters or how they looked, I only heard their names which is just not how I prefer my characters to be portrayed.


  1. Plot is fast moving, while not a whole lot happens in depth you are able to move through the book rapidly.
  2. Diary entries works for this heavily war torn story, otherwise I feel there could have been boring bits.
  1. The plot at points is at such a bread neck speed that I was unable to follow what was happening 
  2. Character development 
  3. Writing style seemed almost childish and too simplistic..
All in all this book being a first book is something that I could never write, however I am hoping at Eric goes through his career he is able to home his writing skills in and take charge of flawless character growth and own the war/fantasy stage.

Rating: **/*****


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