July InvicibleCitiesProject Countries


Countries for July 2021

Wow it has been chaotic in my life recently, so much so that I have missed not one, not two, but three months of posts for the Invisible Cities Project. In short I am moving tomorrow to take on a new position for work in a new state, and the move has been stressful. I will update you all throughout next week on my reading for February, March, and the lack of reading in April. 

I know that is not what you guys are here for at the moment, so without further ado let's reveal the countries selected for July: 

  1. Panama 
  2. Israel 
  3. Ethiopia
Out of this list I am aiming to focus on Ethiopia. I will do my best to read from Israel and Panama when I have a chance, however, with my current reading life I think that may be a challenge. Please check in next week to hear about my reading experience from February, March, and the lack of it in April. 

Happy Reading! 


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